Taga Harmony
Nowadays the TAGA Harmony brand is offering high quality products for the audio-video market.
Our range of products consists of several series of speakers in Home Entertainment (stereo, home cinema) and Custom Installations (in-wall/in-ceiling/outdoor/garden speakers and accessories) categories as well as a full line of Multimedia Speakers (2-channel and multi-channel with wireless connectivity) and the Electronics line of products (DACs, power filters, headphone amplifiers, selection of amplifiers with wireless music streaming). |
The business began as a partnership in 1969 as a sub-contract engineering company specializing in high quality aerospace work and became a supplier to prestigious companies such as Rolls Royce, GEC and British Aerospace. The business was incorporated in 1976 and continued in this industry until the late eighties.
From the very early days, it had always been the ambition of the then Managing Director, Mr Ron Sambell, to manufacture our own commercial product. The sub-contract market had always been unpredictable and by producing our own branded products it was clear that we could plan our future more easily and therefore be in control of our own destiny, rather than rely on others.
The early products had moderate success, but in 1987 the company began to develop an innovative design of Hi-Fi speaker stand. The initial reaction to the design from local specialist retailers was very encouraging, and manufacturing began that year on a very small scale as part of a pilot marketing campaign. |
Unfortunately the project was shelved in 1988 as our manufacturing capacity on our core business was overwhelmed.
In 1989, Ron Sambell’s son, Carl Sambell (thats me!) joined the company. I had a background of Engineering as well as Sales and Marketing experience which I quickly put to good use.
Soon after, the boom times of the late eighties turned into the deep recession of the early nineties and survival was the name of the game. Our customer base had reduced considerably and hard times were to come. It was quite clear that if remedial action was not taken soon the company would not be able to continue.
